
Scar Camouflage Tattooing

We camouflage scars from surgery, injuries, burns, skin grafts and other skin imperfections using tattooing techniques such as micropigmentation. We implant color into scars that are lighter/whiter (hypopigmented) than the surrounding skin to help the scar blend seamlessly.

Scar Revision

Scar revision is a procedure that utilizes a technique called inkless needling (where no pigment is inserted—only a serum infusion is implanted into the skin). It is used to break up scar tissue, increase elasticity, and improve the texture—transforming the scar and giving it a less noticeable appearance.

Dark Scar Neutralization

Dark Scar Neutralization is for hyperpigmented scars that are dark brown/purple/reddish.  We use pigments to neutralize the darkness of the scar-helping it blend better with the surrounding skin.

Improve Your Scars

Discoloration & Texture

before and after scar camouflage for poison ivy

Before and after results from scar camouflaging hypopigmentation spots from poison ivy.

Types of Scars Treated
Many patients use micropigmentation and scar therapy procedures to disguise:

  • Face lift scars
  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) scars
  • Breast reconstruction scars
  • Cleft palate reconstruction
  • Stretch marks
  • Orthopedic surgery scars
  • Dog bite scars
  • Breast reconstruction scars
  • Cancer port scars
  • IPL Laser burns/hypopigmentation
  • Trans female to male (FTM) top surgery scars
  • Self-harm scars
  • Burn scars
  • Skin graft scars
  • Hypopgimentation from laser treatments, poison ivy, etc.


Appointment length:  Time varies

Healing time:  7 to 10 days

Numbing Used? Typically not. Due to the fact that numbing agents cause the skin to blanch (turn white) which would make it difficult to see where the scar ends.  Discomfort is usually only mild to moderate. In some highly sensitive areas, we are able to use an anesthetic.

Actual tattooing time:  Varies and is dependent on size of scar

Lasts for: 5 to 7 years

Colorboost recommended: As needed

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Our Clients

The one thing to remember about scar camouflage is that it will always look WORSE, before it looks better. Immediately after the micropigmentation, the scar will be raised, irritated, and red. However, once the healing is complete, it will take on a natural skin-tone and appear softer and flatter.


IMPORTANT: All scar revision, scar camouflage, and dark scar neutralization tattooing require a complimentary consultation prior to scheduling your session.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Scar Camouflage work?

We use micropigmentation techniques to implant pigment in the scar in order to help it visibly blend better with the surround skin color.

Can any scar be camouflaged?

Scars must be at least 1 year old before we will camouflage them. This is because they may change greatly in color and texture from time of formation to when they are considered “fully formed” at the 1-year mark.


We typically CAN camouflage any scar that is lighter or whiter than the surrounding skin.


We recommend our Dark Scar Neutralization technique for scars that are darker than the surrounding skin.


We can NOT camouflage any scars that are hypertrophic or are keloid.

Who is NOT a good candidate for Scar Camouflage?

The following current conditions exclude you from being an eligible candidate:

  • Pregnancy/Lactating
  • History of Keloid scarring
  • History of easy/excessive hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation or pigmentation disorders
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Cancer
  • Currently taking antibiotics or steroids
  • Currently receiving chemo/radiation treatment
  • History of Herpes Simplex (cold sores or fever blisters)*
    *Must be on preventative dose of Acyclovir/Valtrex in order to participate in Scar Camouflage if area to be treated is prone to cold sores/fever blisters/or Herpes zosters.
  • Unhealthy or broken skin
  • Inflammation
  • Extensive sun or tanning 3 days prior and 8 weeks post treatment
  • Accutane in the past 6 months to 1 year in area to be treated
  • Glycolic acid products, Retin-A or Renova in the last 4 weeks in area to be treated
  • Waxing the area to be treated in the past 7 days
  • Any other chemical peel in area to be treated within 8 weeks of the treatment

What is the healing process like?

You may experience redness, swelling, tightness, and/or a “sun burnt” feeling for the first few days. From days 5 to 8, the area will be dry, flaky, and may possibly exhibit a small amount of scabbing.

Is it painful?

There may be some discomfort. However, depending on the area that discomfort can range between a 2 to a 6. We typically do NOT numb the area, as numbing agents can blanche out the skin, making the scar border more difficult to see. However, in highly sensitive areas (ie: lips, throat, genitals), we will apply a
topical anesthetic.

Can scar camo be used to lighten darkened (hyperpigmented) scars?

Our Dark Scar Neutralization technique does not lighten the scar. However, it can neutralize the brown/pink/purple undertones of the hyperpigmented area and allow it to blend with the surrounding skin.


If you are prone to Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) or excessive hyperpigmentation in general,  tattooing over hyperpigmented (dark) areas may lead to increased hyperpigmentation.

How many sessions are typically needed with scar camouflage tattooing?

The most seamless color transitions are achieved typically after 3 to 4 sessions of layering a “wash” of
color in the scar.

What is aftercare like?

Typically, we cover the tattooed area with a Tegaderm bandage, which you’ll wear for 3 days. After the Tegaderm is removed, you’ll clean the area with Dial antibacterial soap for the next 7 to 10 days and apply the aftercare lotion we provide to you. The area may scab slightly and/or flake and peel during this time.

Download the Aftercare Instructions

Do I need to book a consultation?

A complimentary consultation is MANDITORY for all scar camouflage, scar revision, and dark scar neutralization tattooing. If you live out of state or will be driving from a far distance, this consultation can be done virtually.